Certified Colorado
Child and Family Investigator
AcWhen parents cannot agree on decision-making and/or parenting time, asking the court to appoint a CFI on your case can help. I accept state pay, and have a sliding scale for people who do not qualify for state pay but cannot afford to pay full price.
Currently accepting CFI appointments in Judicial Districts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18 & 20
Consider my appointment on cases where an understanding of domestic violence issues, human growth and development, and the effects of divorce on children are at issue. I understand these, and much more, through my work as an attorney and my academic background in Psychology and Sociology.
Contact me for more information, including how having a CFI appointed to your case may help reduce the negative impact divorce can have on children.